As a practicing interventional cardiologist I am excited to finally have a book on nutrition that cuts through the hype of fad diets and provides an easy-to-read, honest, and sincere approach to healthy living. I will be recommending it to all of my patients. Richard A. Krieger, MD, FACC.
I loved playing The Diet Game! It was inspirational, fun, motivating and I learned exactly how I need to eat to control my weight and stay healthy for life! Kim Lefebre, RN, CDE.
Marci Sloane has done an excellent job teaching us how to eat and be healthy in an enjoyable and entertaining way! Jewel Littenberg, Talk Show Host.
Ms. Sloane writes as if she is giving advice to a friend. She presents healthy life choices anyone can use in a clear and helpful manner. Eric Schoenfeld, Ph.D.
How delightful to find a book that can put you on the road to healthy living once and for all! Lynne Stein, American Diabetes Association.
Your health depends on taking charge of your life. Marci is the only person I know who can help you achieve that goal successfully. She has repeatedly been able to do that for so many of my patients. Stacy Shinder, MD.