Rule #1: HEAD OVER STOMACH: Think before you eat!

Eat with a conscience. You have choices with consequences. Decide what outcome you really want.

Healthy body, reduced glucose and A1c, reduced complications.


Excess glucose thickens blood carrying nutrients and oxygen throughout vessels to feed all organs and tissues.

Cholesterol: Increase wholegrains, vegetables, high soluble fiber from legumes, apples, oats and psyllium husks, phyto stanols/sterols from wheat germ, peanuts, almonds, unsaturated fat from nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil. Decrease saturated fat from full-fat dairy, meat, skin on poultry, and processed sugar.

Triglycerides: omega 3 fish oil (salmon and sardines), reduce processed sugar and refined/processed carbs, alcohol.

Hypertension: Low sodium, high potassium, magnesium, calcium)


Combine food groups for higher energy, fewer glucose fluctuations. Balance high-fiber/dense carbohydrates with mostly lean protein and monounsaturated or omega-3 fats. The combination slows digestion and energizes your body over a longer period of time. BONUS: If you don’t run out of energy you won’t need to quickly replenish with more food!

Rule #3: CHOOSE WHOLESOME NOT PROCESSED: Limit refined carbohydrates.

The refined or processed carbohydrates are the “bad” carbs. They are the ones that offer fewer nutrients and digest quickly: white bread, white pasta and white rice, for example.

Wholesome foods provide longer lasting energy, nutrients and will satisfy your appetite.

Rule #4: BULK UP: Choose fruits and veggies.

Supplement any pasta, rice or grain dish
with low calorie/high nutrient non-starchy veggies or bulk up sandwiches with lettuce and tomato. If you don’t like vegetables try these preparation options:

Sauté, bake, roast with garlic and olive oil, coat with egg and sprinkle panko crumbs, peanut butter powder, lemon, pepper and garlic, ginger, low-sodium broth, salsa, guacamole, stewed tomatoes, various spices and/or low-fat cheese.

Greek yogurt, fruit, veggies and dip for snacks.

Rule #5: LEAN MACHINE: Choose your protein.

Fish or shellfish contain the least amount of
saturated fat. Heart-healthy/omega 3 fish (salmon, sardines) or shellfish, poultry, pork tenderloin, lean meat, low fat cheese or eggs/egg whites. Grill or bake with spices/flavors such as garlic, basil, lemon juice, mustard, peanut butter powder or light teriyaki to reduce the calories, fat and sodium levels. Try tofu or tempeh.

Rule #6: CHOOSE FAVORABLE FATS: Eat less with fat.

Fats help us to eat less because they are slowly digested. They have many calories so be moderate with your portions. Fats are required for us to absorb fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K. Focus primarily on monounsaturated fats.

Rule #7: PRACTICAL PORTIONS: Choose to use portion control.

Our eating habits can be modified but not completely changed. We will always like certain foods whether or not they are the best choice. Consume them in smaller portions, occasionally, to reasonably, practically and sensibly reach long-term goals.

Rule #8: CHOOSE TO DRINK! Fill up on fluids.

Drink approximately 64 ounces of water each day. Dehydrating factors are caused by: high glucose levels, high sodium foods, perspiration, alcohol consumption and caffeine. Water is best plain or by adding a few cucumber stalks or frozen cherries or apple slices. Try club soda (although, bubbles reduce your ability to absorb water). In addition to water: low-sodium vegetable or tomato juice, herbal tea or non-starchy puree vegetable soup or broth (low-sodium). The calories are minimal and your appetite will be diminished.

Hydrate! Water is best!

Rule #9: EFFECTIVE EXERCISE: Find something fun! Find an activity you enjoy.

Is it tennis? Swimming? Yoga? Pilates? Tae Bo? Zumba?

Increase your energy level and outlook on life.

It will be worth your time.

Exercise may reduce insulin resistance and therefore your medication needs may be reduced.


Rule #10: STOP THE STRESS: Easier for some than others.

Find your
favorite relaxing, peaceful, happy moment, place, person.

Meditate with a CD or DVD to guide you to a better place.

Take a long walk, swim or do some type of activity. Listen to music, read a book, journal or share time with friends or family.

CHOOSE THIS rather than THAT

  • Hot cereal with chopped nuts rather than cold cereal, fruit and milk
  • Sweet potato rather than a white potato or even Butternut/Acorn squash
  • Plain Greek yogurt rather than regular fruit yogurt
  • Dark chocolate rather than milk or white chocolate
  • Brown rice, quinoa, bulgur, millet, oats rather than white rice/pasta
  • Riced cauliflower rather than white or brown rice
  • Salad with garbanzo and kidney beans rather than a sandwich
  • Aim: high fiber/dense carbs combined with protein and/or fat will slow digestion for a more balanced blood sugar and energy level.


  • Always look at the serving size (yours might be different from theirs!)
  • Total fat includes the “unhealthy fat” like saturated and trans as well as the“healthy fat” like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
  • Low saturated/trans fat is 3 grams per serving
  • Low sodium is less than 140 mg per serving
  • Low sodium per day is 1,500 – 2,000 mg
  • Reduced sodium IS NOT LOW has 25% less sodium than regular item
  • High fiber has at least 3 grams per serving
  • Low processed sugar has less than 5 grams per serving
  • Total carbohydrate: fiber, sugar (natural and processed) and other carbs


Food Exchanges/Serving Sizes

HEALTHY SNACKS – remember to combine food groups like carbs with protein and/or fat

ü15 grapes (carb) and reduced or low-fat string cheese (protein/fat)üApple (carb) and natural peanut butter (fat)
üTurkey (protein) romaine lettuce wraps (carb)
üCucumber (carb) and shrimp, tuna, turkey or ham (protein) roll ups ü2 rice cakes (carb) and natural peanut butter (fat)

ü8 multigrain or rice crackers (carb) and Reduced fat Swiss (protein)
üNature’s Valley Protein bar, Quest bar or Nugo Slim bar (carb/protein/fat)
üSingle serving hummus(carb/fat) and grape tomatoes or other veggie (carb)
üSingle serving guacamole (fat) and 8 crackers or veggies (carb)
üNon-fat Greek yogurt (carb/protein) with chopped nuts (fat) and berries (carb)
ü2-4 dark chocolate Hershey kisses (carb) and 6 almonds or 2 Brazil nuts (fat)
üHomemade trail mix of high fiber: Shredded Wheat, Cheerios, Puffed cereal (carb) and nuts (fat)


  • Shake: use unsweetened milk (almond, coconut, cashew, etc.) and add Hershey’s unsweetened chocolate powder with 3⁄4 cup frozen blueberries and 2-3 slices of frozen banana – blend. (try unsweetened milk with PB2 chocolate/peanut butter powder and ice.
  • Dark chocolate kisses/morsels, chopped nuts over Greek fruit yogurt
  • Trail mix homemade with dark chocolate morsels, nuts, cereal, fruit
  • 1 scoop of low-fat ice cream or frozen yogurt with chopped nuts
  • Berries and cream
  • Fruit and nuts or nut butters


  • “GIVE and TAKE” For example:
  • Choose a hamburger on a bun with sliced tomatoes or other veggies OR
  • Choose a hamburger without the bun and French fries (occasionally)
  • Choose chicken parmigiana with pasta and a saladOR
  • Choose chicken parmigiana with 1-2 rolls, side of veggies and a salad


• “RE-ORGANIZE YOUR PLATE” Emphasize vegetables and/or salad Reduce starch amount
Add Lean protein

For Example:

6-8 ounces of fish, chicken or lean meat, 1 cup of cooked brown rice or quinoa or medium sweet potato and 2-3 cups of cooked broccoli.