When you dine out, please continue to use your common sense. Make reasonable choices for continued success. Take a moment to consider all the foods that will have the most impact on your blood sugar and be moderate with them. Also, think heart health!
Here are some suggestions:
Chinese Food: Shrimp, chicken, pork or beef with vegetables. Do not get breaded or fried choices. Ask for your food dry, with little sauce or get it steamed with the sauce on the side for dipping. The sauce has hundreds of calories, lots of salt, sugar, fat and cornstarch. Get white rice (or brown when available) and donβt eat more than 2/3 cup (cooked). Each 1/3 of a cup of cooked rice is about 80 calories and four teaspoons of sugar (and that is for steamed rice not fried!) Eat the inside of the egg roll and watch all the extra sauces like duck sauce (sweet) and soy sauce (salty) that you add. Have the soup, but only have a few fried noodles if you must. Refrain from the ice cream most of the time and have pineapple and/or a fortune cookie, if necessary.
*Think: What is affecting my blood sugar from this meal?
Hint: Rice, sauces, noodles, egg roll, wonton wrappers and dessert.
Read about other food choices while dining out in Reality Diabetes ~type 2.