D | Limit carbohydrates (starch, fruit, milk/yogurt, sweets) at each meal or snack and evenly distribute them. They turn nearly 100% into sugar FAST. They digest within about 1-2 hours and will spike and drop your sugar. |
I | Consume approximately 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per meal (remember that one portion of carbohydrates = 15 grams of total carbohydrates) depending on calorie budget for the day, blood glucose levels and insulin response. |
A | Consume slower-digesting foods to balance blood sugar levels and prolong the release of energy (reduce spikes and drops):
High fiber or dense carbohydrates in moderation with Lean protein (fish/lean meat/poultry/low-fat cheese, eggs) and/or Unsaturated fat (avocado/nuts/nut butters, oils) Ex: 1 slice rye bread (1 carb serving) + 3 ounces of chicken (protein/fat) and/or 2 tablespoons of avocado (fat) Protein and fat have a minimal effect on glucose levels. They digest slowly and when added to carbohydrates will help to balance sugar and reduce fluctuations in glucose levels. |
B | Consume approximately 15-30 grams of carbohydrates per snack, mixed with another food group like protein or fat
Ex: 1 fruit serving (carb) + nuts (fat) |
E | Test blood glucose before meals (80-120) and 2 hours after the first bite of your meals (under 140 or as high as 160). Sugar should rise approximately 50 points from a meal. Test at bedtime (100-140) and the next morning. These testing times will show your glucose patterns. Vary testing times if you do not wish to test more than 1-2 times per day. This information is critical for your doctor and you.
Target ranges may vary.
T | Eat every 3-5 hours to avoid fluctuating glucose levels, help prevent overeating at the next meal and keep metabolism higher. |
E | Wait 2 hours between meals and snacks so glucose has a chance to come down before sending it back up with your next consumption. |
S | Do 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic physical activity. Add resistance training 3 times per week on nonconsecutive days. With doctor’s approval. |